Well here i am, the creator of all that you see here. This is the page that is dedicated to some of the special people, meaning people that i know or meet on the internet. Sorry about my picture, its the most recent one of me that i have. I'm gettin new ones soon.

Here are Justin (left) and Insko (right). Justin is a real good friend, and likes to play the drums, i will try to post some pics of him playin them sooner or later. Insko is an oldskool buddy who is really only interested in playin the women. Just kiddin.
here we have someone that i haven't known for that long but have been hangin out with lately. If you ever see this man and he looks at you and starts to turn around and bend over.... RUN!! He will moon just about anyone.
I would have put all of the pictures on here but that would have taken more time to upload and you people are probably not going to want to wait forever so just click on a link to see that persons picture.